Design of Capability and Competency Based Classification System supports attraction, promotion and retention

Design of Capability and Competency Based Classification System supports attraction, promotion and retention


Challenge: Following the establishment of a new Enterprise Agreement, a leading health fund identified the need for and engaged Stockwell Bretton to design and develop a Capability and Competency Based Classification System. The key objective of the system was to ensure a consistent and transparent method for determining an employee’s classification, and an equitable and transparent and consistent approach to assessing suitability for promotion and salary advancement. A secondary objective was to support and encourage cross-skilling across customer service roles; improving employee knowledge and enhancing organisational capability.

Solution: To develop a system that was fit-for-purpose, the Stockwell Bretton team undertook a detailed scoping study. Via desk-top review and a series of workshops and interviews with key stakeholders across various areas and levels within the organisation. Executive managers, team leaders, sales and relationship managers, and training officers. Based on this research, the team then developed and presented a detailed options paper for the Executive with key design principles of the system. This included considerations for both technical and non-technical competencies, agreed competency classification hierarchy; the basis for progression between these classifications; the relevant skills and measures for each classification; measurement methods to assess skills acquisition; progression timing; coaching and training requirements; and revisions to salary ranges and pay points. Once approved, the team worked with key identified stakeholders to define and develop the core competencies for each classification level and the requirements for salary progression between levels.

Result: The framework was widely consulted with employees and union representatives prior to endorsement by the executive and approval by the Board. Once approval was obtained, the team developed supporting tools for implementation including policy and procedures, assessment templates and communication and education tools. They also worked with key stakeholders to establish and train promotion and salary advancement assessment committees to ensure a consistent approach to implementation across the organisation.
